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ROUTINES IN MOTION, or as we like to call it, RIM

its a solution

How many times have you asked yourself:

“How do I stay on top of it all?”

“How do I clear my mind of all my to do lists and still remember every little thing that needs to be done?” 

“How do I get more prepared”

“I have that written down somewhere”

“How do I keep myself from falling behind?”

“How can I remember everyone’s schedule”


Insert RIM! With this organizational system you are sure to manage your schedule, your spouse’s schedule, your children’s schedules, your meal planning, exercise routine and household chores, just to name a few. This planner is not just for your meetings and appointments it is for the daily tasks you need to get done to make yourself more successful.


RIM is the answer to the question; how do I stay on top of it all? How do I keep myself from falling behind, how do I clear my mind of all my to do lists and still remember every little thing that needs to be done?  We have made a list of daily tasks that need to be done, from eating breakfast, taking your vitamins and working out to thinking about what you are going to have for dinner tomorrow and incorporated them into the RIM planner.  We give you every day prompts so you can stay on top of your game and not fall behind.  As always, when things slip your mind and you forget to do something it creates chaos and one can feel defeated. Whether that “thing” is eating breakfast, reviewing a report before a meeting the next day, restocking a diaper bag, taking out the garbage or simply packing the kids sports bag the day before, it needs to get done.  When we are on top of those simple tasks, we are on top of our schedules.


RIM is a two part system that consists of our larger product, a 8 ½ x 11” daily agenda system, and our smaller A5 size daily planner.


The larger system allows you to plan for the future. It’s more than your standard planner. It has many uses from putting in your work schedule, spouse's work schedule, children’s schedules, birthdays, school calendar, vacations, holidays, or any upcoming dates you need to be reminded of.  Here you can also plan your outfits and workouts along with your meals and snacks for the week. The open space of this system allows you to customize it as it fits your lifestyle and gives you the adaptability to change how you use it every week, if needed. In the large system it also encourages you to journal two times a week so that you can stay on top of any family albums or memories from the week, just to name a few.  If you aren’t much in to journaling, use this space to write an encouraging quote, important note or doodle!


The second part of the RIM system is really to help you manage your to do list.  This product is size A5 paper, and can fit into your purse.  It’s easy to carry around, take to meetings or appointments. Keep out on your desk or kitchen table.  This is really the “meat” of the system as  we create daily Routines and you put them in motion. Do you need to be reminded to take your vitamins, drink your water, stop at the store to pick up something for dinner?  What is on your giant to do list? Break it down into the next seven days and give each day a task so it manageable.  This small planner replaces all your to do lists and all your sticky notes. Say goodbye to the days of having 14 different sticky notes on your desk that you can’t afford to lose.  This keeps everything in one place and keeps you on top of your daily routines, your daily to do list. The nice thing about the smaller product is its capability of being customized to fit your lifestyle.


New for 2019 we've combined our larger and small planners to give you one simple, size A5 planner, complete with scheduling sections, morning and evening routines, health journal sections, dinner sections. On the large and new small planner we've included all major holidays. 


We know children do better with a daily routine and the truth is, we do too!

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